Exclusive trailer: Dark Horse Comics’ “CARMILLA: THE LAST VAMPIRE HUNTER” introduces Asian lore to the saga
The follow-up to the much-praised CARMILLA: THE FIRST VAMPIRE debuts today.
The follow-up to the much-praised CARMILLA: THE FIRST VAMPIRE debuts today.
It’s tied to the trade paperback’s arrival in bookstores everywhere February 28.
The new screen adaptation of J. Sheridan Le Fanu’s vampire classic sees release today.
J. Sheridan Le Fanu’s trendsetting 1872 novella of supernatural seduction has been reimagined for the screen once again.
Since the dawn of horror, vampires have been a metaphor for sexual liberation and perversion. But Robert Egger’s take offers more than just a revamp of the classic gothic horror, instead twisting the notion of vampires and sexuality.
In 1977, Mexican filmmaker Juan López Moctezuma unleashed a transgressive horror film for the ages that blasphemes with the best of them.
In celebration of World Dracula Day, our own author-in-residence, Lindy Ryan, and writer Nat Cassidy got together to discuss their unique takes on vampire lore in their highly anticipated upcoming novels.
A somewhat reclusive figure, Bram Stoker has remained shrouded in the shadows of literary history, yet his groundbreaking work continues to influence us today.
The independent horror anthology is now on VOD and digital from Gravitas Ventures.
It’s the latest from the pseudonymous director of BEASTER DAY: HERE COMES PETER COTTONHELL, KINKY KONG, PLAY-MATE OF THE APES and many others.
50 years ago this month, fright fans were blessed with this daytime horror classic.
The punk artist gives us the lowdown on scoring F.W. Murnau's silent masterpiece, "Nosferatu."
February may be the shortest month of the year, but there’s no shortage of new horror next month on Shudder.
FINAL GIRLS BERLIN Film Festival to present a virtual component February 4-7 2021, and a physical edition planned for Halloween weekend.
Explore the science, history and cultural impact of bloodsucking creatures at the Royal Ontario Museum.
Following up on our first announcement about the movies playing next month’s Brooklyn Horror Film Festival, the rest of the lineup has been announced, and features a bunch more exciting titles!
"I recently had the honor of being invited to speak at the 2018 Salem Horror Fest in Salem, MA on the topic of the horror genre serving as an engine for resistance against systematic oppression. While I pulled some of the lecture material from past installments of Hallowed Horrors, I thought it might be of interest to Rue Morgue readers if I posted a properly edited version of my talk here. Enjoy!"