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Shake Up The Upper Class With this retina-wounding “Society Horror Snowglobe”

Thursday, September 12, 2019 | News

Horror Snowglobe creator extraordinaire Jesse Wroblewski (of Chainsaw Estates) is back with a classy creation titled THE SOCIETY HORROR SNOWGLOBE. If you haven’t had a chance to see Wroblewski’s other horror based globes, which include The Fly, The Thing, Poltergiest and more, you can check out the coverage here. The new snowglobe is a homage to the 1989 horror comedy directed by Brian Yuzna, in which the upper class literally feeds off the poor. 

Wroblewski takes that uneasy feeling you get from watching Society and ramps it up to eleven by recreating the notorious “orgy” scene from the film by using molded sculpty to recreate the brobdingnagian mass of entangled attendees. Jesse ingeniously uses KY lube instead of water in this horror globe to give that ever disturbing “slug” effect seen in the film (this is also the reason the globe is nicknamed the “lube globe”). The base is molded to resemble bodies with the movie’s title in the front of the base. 

This truly disturbing piece sits among the other “one of a kind” horror snowglobes which Jesse has created. Check out all the wondrous and warped creations that Jesse releases through Chainsaw Estates on his Social Media accounts and YouTube.  

Jesse Wroblewski Facebook
Chainsaw Estates Instagram
Chainsaw Estates Youtube

Chris Hammond
The Curator of the Creepy collectibles. I've been an avid horror fan for over 3 decades. Meeting and writing about some of the finest artists from all over the world is a pure joy. I've written for multiple websites on the art and collectible front. The horror bug that lives inside me is well cared for and has been going strong since I watched my first introduction to horror through a grainy VHS copy of John Carpenter's 1978 classic film Halloween.