THE WOMAN IN THE WATER A dread-drenched head trip of ghosts, vampirism and mental breakdown, Let’s Scare Jessica to Death remains an unparalleled and underappreciated genre gem 45 years after it was released. Plus: Producer William Badalato recalls how the film was the product of a tough-as-nails cast and crew, and genre author Kim Newman explains his decades-long fascination with it. By Michael Doyle
GORE EVERMORE In the weeks before his death, Herschell Gordon Lewis talked to Rue Morgue about his legendary career as the creator of the splatter film. Plus! Arrow Video’s new H.G. Lewis box set, and reissued Blood Feast sequel Blood Diner. By Preston Fassell, the Gore-Met and Dave Alexander
YOUNG BLOOD A new wave of teenage filmmakers is exploring the genre with a little help from friends, family and fearless desire to freak you out. Plus: “Zombie Girl” Emily Hagins has graduated to adulthood with her love of genre intact. By Michael Gingold
KRAMPUS 101 A beautifully illustrated new book, The Krampus and the Old Dark Christmas, delivers everything you need to know about North America’s growing seasonal obsession with the Anti-Claus. By Deborah Kavis
POST-MORTEM Letters from fans, readers and weirdos
DREADLINES News highlights, horror happenings
THE CORONER’S REPORT Weird stats, morbid facts and more
NEEDFUL THINGS Strange trinkets from our bazaar of the bizarre
CINEMACABRE The latest films, the newest DVDs and reissues feat. The Autopsy of Jane Doe and A Werewolf in the Amazon Collection
THE LATE-NITE ARCHIVE The Human Duplicators
BLOOD IN FOUR COLOURS Comics feat. Shirley Jackson’s The Lottery
THE NINTH CIRCLE Book reviews feat. Visceral: The Visual Art of Jason Edmiston
THE FRIGHT GALLERY H.G. Lewis’ salacious one-sheets
THE GORE-MET Grindhouse Releasing’s I Drink Your Blood
AUDIO DROME Music reviews feat. Demonos’ From Sacred To Profane
PLAY DEAD Game reviews feat. Syndrome and NecronomiCards
CLASSIC CUT Le Manoir du diable