THE GREATEST OLD ONE We celebrate H.P. Lovecraft’s 125th birthday by investigating why his terrifying cosmic horror continues to fascinate readers and fuel writers. Plus! Female voices, silent in Lovecraft’s tales, are resurrected to rewrite the old gent’s world, and we ask director Richard Stanley and H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival organizer Brian Callahan why it’s so tough to bring Lovecraft to the big screen. By Dejan Ognjanovic
MEAT MARKET Filmmaker Justin McConnell takes us to the Marché du Film in Cannes to find out firsthand just how to sell a horror movie in 2015. Plus! How easy is it to judge a film by its poster at Marché du Film? By Justin McConnell
THERE MIGHT BE SOME DICK-RIPPIN’ Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse tries to earn a merit badge in old school undead fun, one outrageous gore gag at a time. By Sean Plummer
BLOOD IN HOGTOWN The 40th Toronto International Film Festival brought a banquet of fright flick premieres to the city – read about the steaming hot horror headed your way. By Dave Alexander, Phil Brown and Sean Plummer
NOTE FROM UNDERGROUND The craft of Lovecraft.
POST-MORTEM Letters from fans, readers and weirdos.
DREADLINES News highlights, horror happenings.
THE CORONER’S REPORT Weird stats and morbid facts.
NEEDFUL THINGS Strange trinkets from our bazaar of the bizarre.
CINEMACABRE The latest films, the newest DVDs and reissues.
BOWEN’S BASEMENT Devil Dog: The Hound of Hell.
BLOOD IN FOUR COLOURS Comic reviews feat. The Gates of Misery.
THE NINTH CIRCLE Book reviews feat. spotlight Gemma Files’ Experimental Film.
THE FRIGHT GALLERY Skinner on Lovecraft.
THE GORE-MET Eaten Alive! and Morituris.
AUDIO DROME Nash the Slash vinyl reissues.
PLAY DEAD Game reviews feat. Mad Max and Spooky’s House of Jump Scares.
CLASSIC CUT Heinrich Hoffman’s Struwwelpeter.