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Marcel Walz’s “Pretty Boy” Gets A Slick New Poster

Monday, May 3, 2021 | Uncategorized

Coming soon from Hollywood Media Bridge and Marcel Walz (2016’s Blood Feast), PRETY BOY continues right where the director’s previous slasher effort, Blind left off, with actress Faye (Sarah French) in the clutches of the eponymous killer as he crashes a singles Valentine’s Day bash. The film features Jed Rowen as “Pretty Boy,” along with Devanny Pinn (The Dawn), Heather Grace Hancock (Wicked City) and Jake Red (20 Minutes) as his would-be victims.

Walz has debuted an all-new poster, bursting with V-Tines imagery ahead of the film’s release. Though a release date hasn’t been announces as of yet, PRETTY BOY is expected to premiere later this year.

Rocco T. Thompson
Rocco is a Rondo-nominated film journalist and avid devotee of all things weird and outrageous. He penned the cover story for Rue Morgue's landmark July/Aug 2019 "Queer Fear" Special Issue, and is an associate producer on In Search of Darkness: Part III, the latest installment in CreatorVC's popular 1980s horror documentary series.