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Exclusive, splattery photos from indie shocker “THE ART OF KILLING”

Thursday, August 11, 2022 | Uncategorized


Guess what the key color is on this “artist’s” palette?

Director/co-writer Jacob Ennis (KILL, GRANNY, KILL!, STASH) is a few scenes away from wrapping production in Louisville, KY on his latest feature THE ART OF KILLING. Co-scripted and produced by Gregory W. Brock, it stars Jason Crowe, Kayla Perkins, Dixie Gers, Ka’ssee Robinson, Matthew Barnett, Rayann Houghlin-Walker, Connor Holden, Deaton Gabbard, Drew Marvick, Roni Jonah, Timothy Curry and Heather Harlow. The official synopsis describes it as “an ’80s throwback horror film about TV personality Leland Moss [Crowe], host of PAINTING WITH FRIENDS. Behind his sparkling personality are some very dark secrets and when a family of devout fans win a contest to meet their beloved icon, they may get more than they bargained for. They just may find that his first stroke will be their last.”

Marilyn Manson guitarist Paul Wiley, composer of the TERRIFIER duo, will score THE ART OF KILLING, which features makeup effects by Steve-o Shepherd. The filmmakers currently have an Indiegogo page up to secure finishing funds, offering a wide variety of perks and including a teaser trailer.

Michael Gingold
Michael Gingold (RUE MORGUE's Head Writer) has been covering the world of horror cinema for over three decades, and in addition to his work for RUE MORGUE, he has been a longtime writer and editor for FANGORIA magazine and its website. He has also written for BIRTH.MOVIES.DEATH, SCREAM,, TIME OUT, DELIRIUM, MOVIEMAKER and others. He is the author of the AD NAUSEAM books (1984 Publishing) and THE FRIGHTFEST GUIDE TO MONSTER MOVIES (FAB Press), and he has contributed documentaries, featurettes and liner notes to numerous Blu-rays, including the award-winning feature-length doc TWISTED TALE: THE UNMAKING OF "SPOOKIES" (Vinegar Syndrome).