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Announcement: The Horror Community Celebrates One Year of “Slasher”

Wednesday, June 3, 2020 | Uncategorized


Being a horror nerd can be a lonely life. Half of everything you love involves nipples, gore and swear words, and that wet blanket Zuckerberg hates all of those because it reminds him of the human life he gave up to become a billionaire marionette. And so, the shadowy reptile claw of social media pushed the horror obsessed into the margins of the web, where we couldn’t connect with each outside of the gross real world, which has sweat and weather and should be avoided at all costs.

Enter maverick, madman, entrepreneur Damon Della Greca, who last year launched SLASHER, the social media app just for creeps like us! This horror-centric connection hub allows you to hook up with people of our ilk both professionally and personally. Personally, the biggest draw is that its 17+, which allows for some freedoms that other social media outlets just don’t allow.

Newly celebrating their one-year anniversary, SLASHER is telling all of us the story of how they got off the ground and become the premier horror social media app of the century.

It already has a ton of great features outside of being able to connect with other lost souls, like a calendar of upcoming horror events, or lists of things to help you stay sane during the lockdown. SLASHER also creates spotify playlists to shine some light on musicians on their app, and they even sponsor film festivals! They’re alright people!

If you don’t have SLASHER, get it, it’s free, so you’ve got nothing to lose.


Rue Morgue Manor
The Rue Morgue Manor is the Toronto headquarters of Rue Morgue magazine and its brand offshoots.