Texans are into Guillermo Del Toro? Jordan Peele is popular among Alaskans? Killthecablebill.com has created a frequently updated map of the U.S. that shows the most popular horror movie in all fifty of the United States of America.
The site partnered with Mindnet Analytics to analyze data from Google Trends and Rotten Tomatoes to discover the most-searched flick in each state. Here are a few of the most interesting findings
- The Devil’s Backbone is the most popular horror movie nationwide.
- Both Freaks and Bakjwi pop up on the list twice.
- Unsurprisingly, certain states are most interested in films shot within their borders. For example, The Shining in Colorado.
- Oregon is the most horror movie crazy, next up is Alaska, Washington DC, Utah, and Wyoming.
- States in the southeastern U.S. are the least interested in horror movies.
For more information on the process and fun factoids, visit killthecablebill.com