When a horror movie does outstandingly well, there’s a good chance that a sequel will follow… and then one after that and so on. And yet, sometimes, a sequel has little or nothing to do with what came before. But should it? In our most recent RUE MORGUE #183 July/August 2018 issue, we pit two writers to enter the ring to battle it out…
Should a horror movie sequel be consistent with the storyline established by a franchise?
In the first corner, SEAN PLUMMER states Yes, arguing that “many have noted that had it not been saddled with the Halloween name, Halloween III might have been a success in its time.”
In the opposite corner, MICHAEL GINGOLD, counters with No, stating that “when studios and producers extend a brand, changing things up can add freshness and surprise to subvert the staleness of formula.”
Read both arguments in their entirety in the latest issue of RUE MORGUE #183, now available and cast your vote below!
The winner will be declared in the Halloween issue of RUE MORGUE (#184), on stands everywhere September 1, 2018!
Winner declared in RUE MORGUE #184, on stands everywhere September 1, 2018!