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Steve Casino Trades In The Peanuts for Some New Creations

Sunday, July 5, 2020 | Uncategorized

Peanut Taxidermist and toy creator Steve Casino is back in the game with a few new exciting creations. This time around Casino trades in the Peanuts and goes larger scale while working on old Nintendo Entertainment System cartridges and giving them a major upgrade. Using Apoxie and Super Sculpty Casino molds life back into these 8-bit games and making them into 3D pieces of art. Each cartridge is different, even when using the same game and characters.

If this wasn’t exciting enough, Steve is also in the process of releasing wooden caricatures. Some one offs include a dazzling Leatherface, Jason, Jack Torrance and many more. Some properties that Casino will soon be exploring include The Exorcist, Hellraiser (Pinhead), Halloween (Michael Myers), and a full set based on The Shining

All this work is commissioned and art pieces run from $300 USD and up. If interested, please contact Steve Casino at his personal email here. To see all these amazing pieces of art, follow Steve Casino on his Social Media accounts, don’t forget to bring some peanuts, Steve loves peanuts.

Chris Hammond
The Curator of the Creepy collectibles. I've been an avid horror fan for over 3 decades. Meeting and writing about some of the finest artists from all over the world is a pure joy. I've written for multiple websites on the art and collectible front. The horror bug that lives inside me is well cared for and has been going strong since I watched my first introduction to horror through a grainy VHS copy of John Carpenter's 1978 classic film Halloween.