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Sculpture Artist Violetta Shines With Creepy Creations

Tuesday, March 23, 2021 | Uncategorized


Viola Wittrocka, or as fans know her, “Violetta,” is an artist from Russia. From an early age, her mother nurtured her creative skills by buying her sculpting magazines. Though she began using her hands as tools, she eventually attended art school and later University to study professional design. Violetta has conducted master classes and worked as a cake decorator at a pastry shop, making depictions of characters from cartoons, movies and video games to adorn the baked goods. Occasionally, Violetta would get to sculpt sweet body parts and blood for a client, which eventually set her on a path to creating horror figures.

Wittrocka’s projects have gone through a great progression. The progressions are evident in pictures posted on her Instagram and Facebook account. She just finished working on a project from the film Poltergeist. This is, of course, the creepy clown from the 1982 film. This figure goes up for sale March 25, 2021 at 8 P.M

Violetta is completely satisfied with what she does. Her creations aren’t just a hobby, but a job and joy of her life. She is also very keen on honing her skills in a special sculpture school.

Follow Violetta and purchase some of her stunning work on Instagram and Facebook.


Chris Hammond
The Curator of the Creepy collectibles. I've been an avid horror fan for over 3 decades. Meeting and writing about some of the finest artists from all over the world is a pure joy. I've written for multiple websites on the art and collectible front. The horror bug that lives inside me is well cared for and has been going strong since I watched my first introduction to horror through a grainy VHS copy of John Carpenter's 1978 classic film Halloween.