The Horror Collective, the genre label of distributor and production company Entertainment Squad founded by veteran producer Shaked Berenson (Turbo Kid, Tales of Halloween), is set to release its latest terrifying offering on January 3. BRING OUT THE FEAR, written and directed by Richard Waters, stars Ciara Bailey and Tad Morari as a couple struggling to mend their fractured relationship. However, when they become trapped in a foreboding forest that refuses to let them escape, they quickly find that they have much bigger problems.
BRING OUT THE FEAR made a splash at many film festivals worldwide, including Screamfest, Frightfest, Grimmfest, IFI Horrorthon. and Shockfest, where it took home the coveted Golden Stake Award.
“We are glad to bring Richard Waters’ festival darling to audiences in the United States and English-speaking territories,” says Berenson. “It’s an unexpected and harrowing thrill ride.”
“BRING OUT THE FEAR means a lot to us and we took our time choosing the right people to release it with,” writer-director Richard Waters adds. “When you look at the folks behind The Horror Collective, and their passion for films like this, we knew we’d made the right choice with who to unleash this film to the masses with.”
Check out the trailer below: