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Queer Punk Slasher “BLISS OF EVIL” Out Now On Streaming And Blu-Ray

Tuesday, October 17, 2023 | Uncategorized


After a triumphant 12-month festival run that’s still ongoing, BLISS OF EVIL has left its mark on the horror community. Available now on Blu-Ray and VOD, BLISS OF EVIL is worth checking out for fans of films like Green Room and You’re Next. The film has been showcased at prestigious festivals including Monster Fest, Panic Fest, Salem Horror Fest, and Soho Horror Fest, amassing multiple awards along the way. Described by RUE MORGUE as “one of the more divisive queer horror films on the festival circuit this year,” BLISS OF EVIL was co-written by Josh Morris and Corrie Hinschen, and directed by Josh Morris. The film stars Sharnee Tones, Jordan Schulte, and Michaela Da Costa.

Synopsis: In 1997 Brisbane, a sound engineer must confront her trauma when she and her girlfriend’s grunge band are trapped in a recording studio by a shadowy killer.

Order your Blu-Ray of BLISS OF EVIL here.


Grace Detwiler
Grace Detwiler (@finalgirlgrace) is a freelance film journalist and law student. Her original work can be found on her blog, FinalGirlGrace, as well as in Rue Morgue's print and online publications.