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Rue Morgue #163 Jan/Feb 2016


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THE RIGHTEOUS AND THE WICKED Seamlessly combining historical religious hysteria with terrifying fairy-tale mythology, The Witch earns its reputation as one of the best movies about black magic ever made. Plus: Mark Korven, who composed the music for The Witch, shares the ingredients for a spellbinding score; Stacy Schiff’s The Witches: Salem, 1692; and more. By Dave Alexander, Sean Plummer, Andrea Subissati and Brett McNeill
R.I.P. 2015: THE YEAR IN REVIEW We get a stranglehold on the past twelve months and pick the best and worst that the horror world had to offer. By Staff
THE 2016 HORROR CONVENTION AND FILM FESTIVAL SCHEDULE Check out this year’s freakishly fun line-up of genre-friendly events for film festival and convention goers. By Staff
DON’T GO INTO THE WOODS Japan’s notorious suicide forest is the setting for a movie that sees a foreigner trying to find her sister amongst the restless souls of the dead. Plus: Rue Morgue travels to Japan to visit the haunted woods of Aokigahara. By Monica S. Kuebler and Fabien Delage
REEL DEATH From cinematic urban legend to real-life execution videos, two new books delve deep into the world of snuff films. By Dejan Ognjanovic


NOTE FROM UNDERGROUND Children of the witch
POST-MORTEM Letters from fans, readers and weirdos
DREADLINES News highlights, horror happenings
THE CORONER’S REPORT Weird stats and morbid facts
NEEDFUL THINGS Strange trinkets from our bazaar of the bizarre
CINEMACABRE The latest films, the newest DVDs and reissues
THE LATE-NITE ARCHIVE The Phantom From 10,000 Leagues
BLOOD IN FOUR COLOURS Comic reviews feat. Haunted Love
THE NINTH CIRCLE Book reviews feat. Peter Straub’s Interior Darkness
THE FRIGHT GALLERY Candice Tripp’s Houses of Horror
THE GORE-MET Nightmare City and Madman
AUDIO DROME Music reviews feat. Slasher Film Festival Strategy.
PLAY DEAD Game reviews feat. Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water and The Park
CLASSIC CUT The Most Dangerous Game


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