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Saturday, May 25, 2024 | News

Move over, Winnie-the-Pooh; PIGLET is ready for his fifteen minutes of public domain horror fame. From acclaimed indie director August Aguilar, whose recent GingerLynn Allen vehicle The Gifted is winning over film fest audiences around the country, comes the latest in 2024’s continued homage to Appalachian-inspired horror.

From the film’s press release:

“Have you ever wondered what would happen when the classic tale of Winnie-the-Pooh meets The Texas Chainsaw Massacre? PIGLET is a new horror film coming from SpookHouse MediaWorks and Strange Films Studios and is being directed by August Aguilar. 

Deep in the remote Appalachian hills lives Piglet. The son of a once industrious butcher, Piglet’s solitary life is shattered when fame-hungry millennials trespass onto his land in hopes of capturing paranormal activity on their struggling YouTube channel. In a foolish bid to manufacture exploitation, one of them slaughters Piglet’s beloved pet pig. Little do they know, they’ve just incurred the wrath of a vengeful killer. Incensed, Piglet brutally dispatches the trespassers one by one.”

Says Aguilar about his latest, “It’s an amazing time to be a horror fan, and an even more exciting time to be an indie filmmaker. I knew this would be a special kind of project as soon as I saw the script for PIGLET, and how different it stands against the current public domain frenzy that has taken over, while delivering proper homage to classic slashers that we all grew up on. Working with Kevin, Kelly and Dr. Chud has already been such a fun process, and knowing the passion and dedication to this project that everyone is giving already, we are really going to deliver something wild and special. I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to serve as the Director and continue pursuing what I love.” 

PIGLET stars Celeste Blandon (Phantom Fun-World), Brian Bremer (Pumpkinhead), Jasper Hammer (Bay for Blood), Ilene Sullivan (Knock Knock) and Angel Bradford (Desperate Souls). The forces at work behind the monster are director August Aguilar, producer Kevin Millikin, writer Kelly Hudson, artist Jake Hades, and formerly of legendary rock band the Misfits, composer David “Dr. Chud” Calabrese. Marketing duties are overseen by Michael Joy.

PIGLET is currently crowdfunding, with production planned to begin in September 2024. Learn more about the film here.

Kevin Hoover
Ever since watching CREEPSHOW as a child, Kevin Hoover has spent a lifetime addicted to horror (and terrified of cockroaches). He wholeheartedly believes in the concept of reanimating the dead if only we’d give it the old college try, and thinks FRIDAY THE 13th PART V is the best in the franchise. Aside from writing “Cryptid Cinema Chronicles” for Rue Morgue, he’s been a working copywriter for over a decade and you’ve probably bought something with his words on it. He also believes even the worst movie can be improved with buckets of gore.