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Listen to “The Moonstone Mass,” a new tale of terror from Horrorbabble

Wednesday, December 20, 2023 | Audio Horror

HorrorBabble ‘s HORROR AT THE POLES reading series continues with Harriet Prescott Spofford’s “The Moonstone Mass”.   First appearing in Harper’s magazine in October 1868, the story describes an unnamed narrator’s attempt to cross the Northwest Passage, which, unsurprisingly, results in a series of unusual events.

00:00 – Introduction
00:58 – The Moonstone Mass
42:51 – Further Listening

Narrated by Ian Gordon for HorrorBabble
Music and production by Ian & Jennifer Gordon

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Rue Morgue Manor
The Rue Morgue Manor is the Toronto headquarters of Rue Morgue magazine and its brand offshoots.