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Listen to a classic tale by Frank Herbert in this week’s episode of “When Horror Meets Science Fiction Vol II”

Wednesday, May 8, 2019 | Uncategorized

Tune in today for the latest in HorrorBabble’s WHEN HORROR MEETS SCIENCE FICTION VOL II reading series. “Old Rambling House” was written by American writer Frank Herbert, and first published in 1958. The story tells of the Grahams – all they wanted was a home they could call their own … but what did the home want?

00:21 – Introduction
01:03 – Old Rambling House

Narrated by Ian Gordon for HorrorBabble
Production by Ian Gordon
Intro music: “Above the Blue Smoke”…

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The Rue Morgue Manor is the Toronto headquarters of Rue Morgue magazine and its brand offshoots.