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Indie Filmmaker Simon Rumley Needs You to Help Make “THE WOBBLE CLUB” a Reality

Saturday, December 3, 2022 | News


Award-winning indie writer-director Simon Rumley (The Living and the Dead, the “P is for Pressure” segment of The ABCs of Death) has another story to tell, but this time he’s trading in his camera for a wordprocessor with his debut novel, THE WOBBLE CLUB. However, he needs your help to make the book a reality.

Inspired by Rumley’s struggle with weight loss, THE WOBBLE CLUB is about a morbidly obese couple living in London. When one of the portly pair decides it’s time to go on a diet, and the other refuses to trim the fat, things take a turn for the worse. Described by one leading journalist as “Martin Amis meets Stephen King,” THE WOBBLE CLUB is a relatable tale filled with high drama, humor and horror.

“The desire to try my hand at writing a novel had been increasing for the better part of half a decade,” Rumley says. “After my last film, I needed a rest from film-making and read Stephen King’s On Writing. He said your first draft shouldn’t take over 3 months to complete, which I thought was eminently achievable; It wasn’t as it turned out, not by a long stretch. It took me almost a year but this coincided with Covid lockdowns in the UK, but in a weird way, this gave me something to focus on whilst the world was going to pot. THE WOBBLE CLUB doesn’t descend into the quagmire of violence that some of my films do, but it does go dark and, indeed, Stephen King. I’m very proud of this and am looking forward to unleashing it on the world. Any crowd-funding anyone can provide will be much appreciated!”

A variety of perks are available for contributors of all levels, ranging from e-books, signed editions and t-shirts to the chance to enjoy a Big Mac with the author and more! Time is running out! To help Simon Rumley bring THE WOBBLE CLUB to the masses, click here.

William J. Wright
William J. Wright is RUE MORGUE's online managing editor. A two-time Rondo Classic Horror Award nominee and an active member of the Horror Writers Association, William is lifelong lover of the weird and macabre. His work has appeared in many popular (and a few unpopular) publications dedicated to horror and cult film. William earned a bachelor of arts degree from East Tennessee State University in 1998, majoring in English with a minor in Film Studies. He helped establish ETSU's Film Studies minor with professor and film scholar Mary Hurd and was the program's first graduate. He currently lives in Knoxville, Tennessee, with his wife, three sons and a recalcitrant cat.