Reel Twisted FX (owned and operated by Rhonda Causton) is a freelance special effects business, and specializes in makeup artistry, custom or generic prosthetic appliances, props for film and television and more. When not working on feature films (such as the makeup FX for a creepy short called Morbus, which starts shooting July 4th), Causton is hard at work creating affordable art pieces for her Reel Twisted FX Etsy shop.

“Harlow” – The Evil house Elf $50 CDN
The shop houses some ready to go creepy and cool pieces, such as a realistic severed finger and toe keychains, movie quality, soft silicone (foam backfilled) severed zombie hands, and odd little creature faces made of soft silicone and housed in mason jar lids. One such creature is known as “Harlow” – The Evil House Elf. This soft silicone, hand-painted and detailed piece gives off pure evil. The use of soft silicone means that you can have a flesh like feel when trying to squeeze a smile of onto this angry elf’s face. One really exciting feature is the inclusion of a hand painted worbla, thermal plastic half mask, which covers up the burnt side of Harlow’s face (this could be the cause of his evil disposition, who knows?). You need an elf on the shelf and it’s Harlow, sure to keep the kids (and adults) in line all year long. Check out all the other unique faces housed on Mason jar lids such as little demon, Oggly, Gamorok, and more. Prices range from $35 – $50 CDN.

“Fugly Horridus” Sold Individually $60 CDN
Lastly, check out these ultra-popular and weird squeezable creatures known as “Fugly Horridus”. Housed in a lockable box (complete with severed pinky toe, to tide them over through delivery, these 4-inch solid, soft silicone creatures are extra squishy. Hand detailed and painted, the Fugly Horridus have a couple realistic teeth and clumps of hair on their body. Do not forget to lock these creatures back in their boxes as they are known to bite. Order one of these (individually) off the Reel Twisted FX Etsy page for friends or foes at a low cost of $60 CDN.

Fiesty Severed Zombie Hand $75.00 CDN
Check out all of Reel Twisted FX’S movie, television work and creepy creations on its business Facebook account, Imdb page and Etsy Web store
Reel Twisted FX Etsy
Reel Twisted Facebook
Rhonda Causton Imdb Page