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Wednesday, November 7, 2018 | Frights For Tykes


Growing up, I had a hard time learning to read. Part of the reason for this was because I had a learning disability and part of it was because I just wasn’t motivated. At seven years of age, I’d figured my mom would always be there it read to me. Thankfully, my ever resourceful tutor took the time to mine my mind for book ideas. Pretty soon I was warming up to reading, thanks to her probing into my interests and picking out a book she knew I’d enjoy.

The book in question is FIVE GOOFY GHOSTS (HELLO READER LEVEL 4) written by Judith Bauer Stamper, illustrated by Tim Raglin and published by CARTWHEEL BOOKS in 1997.

This is a collection of five wonderfully illustrated ghost stories for children in grades 2 and 3. The first story is titled NEVER TALK TO A GHOST and sees a little boy and his dog visit a haunted house only to discover that vocal chords make up the ghost’s ectoplasmic form and that dogs can speak just as well as us (if frightened). The next story is titled A SCARY TALE and tells the story of two siblings, a brother and sister, who explore their grandma’s old attic. The third is titled THE TRUNK FULL OF TREATS and introduces us to a bunch of monsters who all get frightened by a little ghost. In THE HAIRY TOE, an intrepid little girl discovers a hairy toe which she promptly takes home — and regrets it. This story was my favourite probably because the “curious” girl reminds me of myself when I was a kid. The fifth and last story is titled THE LAST LAUGH and sees two boys telling jokes while sitting on the stone wall of a graveyard. Things are going splendidly until a ghost stops by to share a joke…

FIVE GOOFY GHOSTS is one in a series of four spooky books for beginner readers written by Stamper and illustrated by Raglin. The others books in the series are FIVE HAUNTED HOUSES, FIVE FUNNY FRIGHTS and FIVE CREEPY CREATURES – and all of them are worth seeking out. Stamper has also authored the immensely entertaining and educational HALLOWEEN FUN ACTIVITY BOOK illustrated by Patrick Girouard and published by TROLL COMMUNICATIONS in 1997. I recommend you seek this one out as well.  

My edition of FIVE GOOFY GHOSTS can be bought on AMAZON, for $0.11 + $4.84 shipping, used, in “Good” condition.

FIVE GOOFY GHOSTS made me a book worm. It might make your little monster a book worm too!

Glenn Tolle
Glenn Tolle grew up with a healthy interest in the macabre. His dad worked, and still works, as a grave digger, and much of his childhood was spent running around cemeteries and reading creepy books. All this combined with early viewings of the classic Universal monster movies led him to writing about the genre. He writes not only for RUE but also for under the pen name Glenn Strange. When not writing about horror Glenn talks about and interviews people within the horror and film community for the YouTube channel Psychic Celluloid Signals and creates original horror stories for publication.