This is already sounding better than that last one with Tom Cruise.
Variety reports that Lee Cronin, who successfully gave the Deadites new life with EVIL DEAD RISE, has signed on to THE MUMMY, the latest Universal-classic-monster revival from Blumhouse following THE INVISIBLE MAN and the upcoming WOLF MAN. Blumhouse and Atomic Monster are teaming up on the new MUMMY, which Cronin will write and direct; New Line Cinema will release the movie April 17, 2026. “This will be unlike any Mummy movie you ever laid eyeballs on before,” Cronin, who also helmed the well-received folk-horror feature THE HOLE IN THE GROUND, says in a statement. “I’m digging deep into the earth to raise something very ancient and very frightening.” We’ll bring you further updates as we hear ’em!