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Cut Short Interview with Ryan Oksenberg

Friday, September 27, 2019 | Uncategorized

By BRYAN CHRISTOPHER (@eviltaylorhicks)

In his short film Together, director Ryan Oksenberg takes a bittersweet look at two people whose lives intersect because via a bio hazard remediation business.  The owner has some deep emotional wounds she’s dealing with, while her new hire is working through some damage of another nature.  The resulting story is sad, kind of funny, and quite a bit gross (in a good way).  I was excited to get to check in with Oksenberg to talk about the movie and, as usual , what he digs about the horror genre in general.

What inspired you to write Together?
Co-dependent relationships, grief, addiction.

It looks as though you did your homework on biohazard remediation. What kind of research did you do?
I spoke to technicians. They aspire to protect families from seeing the devastation that occurred.

The majority of the gore in this short focuses on the aftermath of an event rather than showing the event itself. Was this a deliberate decision?
Technicians are not told the circumstances of death they’re cleaning.

It looks like you might have more to explore beyond the end of the film. Is this something you’ve considered as a feature?  
Maybe TV Series?

What made you get into film making?
Since childhood I’d play out elaborate stories with toys. When it was over, I’d write them down.

Who (or what) is your biggest influence in film and why?
The world. Genre cinema is a vehicle to address its uncomfortable truths.

What’s your favorite movie and why?
A Clockwork Orange. I saw it at ten. It showed me what movies can be.

What are some under-looked films that you think more people should see?
The Last Detail, UHF, Good Time, Auto Focus.

What scares you the most?
Working obsessively then turning around and I’m alone with no family.

What scares other people that doesn’t scare you?
Taking risks to fulfill dreams.

Up next, Oksenberg is writing a feature that he plans to direct.  You can keep up with him on Instagram and you can find more information about Together at the film’s website

<iframe src="" width="640" height="266" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><p><a href="">TOGETHER - Teaser Trailer</a> from <a href="">Ryan Oksenberg</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
Bryan Christopher