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Blood Opera’s “Candyman” Themed Music Video for Single “Be My Victim” Premieres This October

Sunday, August 21, 2022 | Uncategorized

Based on the ’92 genre classic- the music video for Blood Opera’s new single, “Be My Victim,” is a serious rock n’ roll homage to many aspects of the original Candyman film, including the nostalgia of playing scary childhood games, and the fear of losing complete control.

Toronto actor Ali Chappell features as the psychotic Helen alongside Toronto social worker-turned-actor, Melika Fontaine as her best friend Bernadette. The two chant “Candyman” 5 times in the mirror and fortunately for them, nothing happens, or so we’re made to think! 

They’ve actually summoned Blood Opera band members as five different versions of the Candyman- each with their own rusty hook for a hand! All steps were taken to ensure the awesomeness of the original film was a part of their video, from making a 10ft plywood graffiti Candyman to putting 500 live bees in our mouths! Blood Opera thinks that’s why Tony Todd agreed to voice Candyman in it…

Hamilton locations including Digital Canaries and Evil Empire Studios were used, as well as bees provided by Terri Faloney at Hammer Hives. The video was all shot on 4k by BWPine Services, directed by Cary McKnight, and produced by Chris Cooper & Blood Opera.

Blood Opera will be premiering the video for the 30th anniversary of Candyman this October at Toronto’s Revue Cinema with a live performance. You can also catch them in Toronto, Niagara Falls, Hamilton, and Oshawa this Halloween season!

Rue Morgue Manor
The Rue Morgue Manor is the Toronto headquarters of Rue Morgue magazine and its brand offshoots.