Black Spot Books, the independent horror and dark fantasy imprint of Vesuvian Media Group, just revealed the cover art for their upcoming anthology INTO THE FOREST. Featuring terrifying tales of Baba Yaga, the notorious witch of Slavic folklore, INTO THE FOREST was written entirely by women. Edited by Lindy Ryan, co-author of the upcoming werewolf novel Throw Me to the Wolves, with a foreword by Christina Henry (The Chronicles of Alice series, The Ghost Tree) this collection is sure to send shivers down the spines of folk horror fans everywhere.
From the jacket:
“Deep in the dark forest, in a cottage that moves through the forest on birds’ legs behind a fence topped with human skulls, lives the Baba Yaga. A guardian of the water of life, she lives with her sisters and takes to the skies in a giant mortar and pestle, creating tempests as she goes. Those who come across the Baba Yaga may find help, or hinderance, or horror. She is wild, she is woman, she is witch – and these are her tales.”
INTO THE FOREST arrives November 2022