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JaibanToys adds custom Henry Spencer figure to its “Eraserhead” line

Friday, January 19, 2018 | Uncategorized

Iban Torres, founder and owner of JaibanToys (located in Badalona, Spain) has created a second figure in his ERASERHEAD custom horror figure line (the first, based on David Lynch’s nightmarish baby creation, sold out quickly). The new hand-painted Henry Spencer figure is made of resin, features magnetic articulation and is limited to only 30 pieces (with 18 in stock at last count). The custom card back holds the figure in a reusable blister plastic. 

Price: 35.00€
Check out this any many more creations from the mind of Iban Torres!  

Chris Hammond
The Curator of the Creepy collectibles. I've been an avid horror fan for over 3 decades. Meeting and writing about some of the finest artists from all over the world is a pure joy. I've written for multiple websites on the art and collectible front. The horror bug that lives inside me is well cared for and has been going strong since I watched my first introduction to horror through a grainy VHS copy of John Carpenter's 1978 classic film Halloween.