by Alex Ehrenreich | May 26, 2020 | News
Far East Extreme: A Look at Ghosts with a Taoist Twist in “THE IMP” It seems like retro Hong Kong cinema gets a bad rap by the public at large here in the West. Modern classics like Infernal Affairs and Iron Monkey either get remade by Hollywood or changed...
by Alex Ehrenreich | Apr 28, 2020 | News
Far East Extreme: America and Japan battle once again in “War of the Insects.” Western horror has a proud tradition of shlock. Whether it be the American classics of William Castle or the pure Italian cheesefests of Mario Bava, there are certain archetypes...
by Alex Ehrenreich | Mar 19, 2020 | News
Far East Extreme: Care for a Bloody Good Game of “TAG”? Thanks to the globalization of the media, western audiences have gotten more and more access to one of Japan’s more dubious exports, the world of “tarento.” These oftentimes C or D-list actors,...
by Alex Ehrenreich | Feb 26, 2020 | News
Far East Extreme: Truth or Zar? We’d pick Zar every time! Happy post-Valentines Day, readers of Rue Morgue! Here at Far East Extreme, I take a look at horror movies from a country and usually try to compare them to other horror movies, or to put them in...
by Alex Ehrenreich | Feb 18, 2020 | News
Far East Extreme: An Extremely Belated Oscar Endorsement for Sorum! One of the more talked about films of late, a Korean movie called Parasite, capped off its great run last week with multiple wins at the Oscars. Unfortunately, it is not a horror movie...